Exercise: K-mer and contamination analysis

Loading modules on Milou / Rackham:

To use bioinformatic tools on Milou / Rackham, first the library of tools must be made available using the command:

module load bioinfo-tools

Then specific tools can be loaded in a similar fashion. If a particular version is needed, it can be appended to the end.

module load KAT/2.3.4
module load Kraken/1.0
module load Krona/2.7

If you have trouble finding a tool, use the module spider function to search.

module spider fastqc

Unix help:

Many tools can work with compressed files. In the rare case a tool cannot, it may be able to read data from a pipe | by passing information through STDIN -. If a tool needs a filename and cannot read from STDIN, a “named pipe” can help you process compressed data without decompressing it.

# Make a named pipe called sequence.fastq so it mimics a file name.
$ mkfifo sequence.fastq
# Read data into the named pipe and put the process in the background (&)
$ zcat read1.fastq.gz read2.fastq.gz > sequence.fastq &
# Now run the command with the named pipe
$ command sequence.fastq
# A named pipe can only be used once. Remove it afterwards.
$ rm sequence.fastq


  1. What is a k-mer?

  2. Use the following set of commands to extract the list of k-mers in Bacteria/bacteria_R{1,2}.fastq.gz.
     mkfifo <named_pipe.fastq> && zcat <reads.fastq.gz> > <named_pipe.fastq> & # Make a named pipe and run in the background
     kat hist -t 4 -d -o <output.hist> <named_pipe.fastq> # Run KAT reading from the named pipe
     kat_jellyfish dump <output.hist>-hash.jf27 > <kmer.lst> # Use Jellyfish to print out a human readable list
     rm <named_pipe.fastq> # named pipes can only be used once, and so are removed after use.

    The **** file has the following format.


    How many distinct k-mers were found? Use the line count command wc -l to find out.

  3. How many k-mers have a frequency of 1? Use the following command to find out.
     paste - - < kmer.lst | cut -c2- | awk '$1 == 1 { sum++ } END { print sum+0 }'
     # paste - - : reads two consecutive lines onto the same line.
     # cut -c2- : prints from the second character up to the last character in a line.
     # awk '$1 == 1 { sum++ } END { print sum+0 }' : if column 1 has a frequency of 1, increase the variable "sum". Print the value of "sum" at the end.
  4. How many k-mers have a frequency greater than 5?

  5. A k-mer histogram was plotted using kat hist in a file *.hist.png. Open the image using display and estimate the mean k-mer frequency.

  6. The following command prints the frequency of each k-mer frequency between 5 and 45. What is the mean k-mer frequency?
     paste - - < kmer.lst | cut -c2- | awk '$1 > 5 && $1 < 45 {sum[$1]++ } END { for (freq in sum) {print freq" "sum[freq]} }' | sort -k1,1n
     # paste - - : reads two consecutive lines onto the same line.
     # cut -c2- : prints from the second character up to the last character in a line.
     # awk '$1 > 5 && $1 < 45 {sum[$1]++ } END { for (freq in sum) {print freq" "sum[freq]} }' :
     # 	if column 1 has a frequency greater than 5 and less than 45, increase the value of the array "sum[frequency]" by 1.
     # 	Then for each frequency in sum print the value of sum[frequency] at the end.
     # sort -k1,1n : Perform a numerical sort on the data sorted only by column 1
  7. Use kat gcp to plot the gc content vs k-mer frequency.
     mkfifo <named_pipe.fastq> && zcat <reads.fastq.gz> > <named_pipe.fastq> & # Make a named pipe and run in the background
     kat gcp -t 4 -o <output.gcp> <named_pipe.fastq> # Run KAT reading from the named pipe
     rm <named_pipe.fastq> # named pipes can only be used once, and so are removed after use.

    Open the plot of GC vs coverage. On what scale is the GC content measured and how is this converted to GC%?

  8. Use kat comp to compare Bacteria/bacteria_R{1,2}.fastq.gz.
     mkfifo <named_pipe_read1.fastq> && zcat <read1.fastq.gz> > <named_pipe_read1.fastq> & # Make a named pipe for read 1 and run in background
     mkfifo <named_pipe_read2.fastq> && zcat <read2.fastq.gz> > <named_pipe_read2.fastq> & # Make a named pipe for read 2 and run in background
     kat comp -t 4 -o <output.cmp> --density_plot <named_pipe_read1.fastq> <named_pipe_read2.fastq> # run KAT on the named pipes and print a density plot
     kat plot spectra-mx -x 50 -y 500000 -i -o <output.cmp>-main.mx.spectra-mx.png <output.cmp>-main.mx # Make a spectra-mx plot
     rm <named_pipe_read1.fastq> <named_pipe_read2.fastq> # names pipes can only be used once, and so are removed after use

    Why is there a difference in the distribution means between the two datasets?

  9. Run Kraken on Bacteria/bacteria_R{1,2}.fastq.gz. What is the reason for this result? Can one do better?
     kraken --threads 4 --db $KRAKEN_DB --fastq-input --gzip-compressed --paired <read_{1,2}.fastq.gz> > <kraken.out>
     kraken-report --db $KRAKEN_DB <kraken.out> > <kraken.rpt>
     cut -f2,3 <kraken.out> > <krona.in>
     ktImportTaxonomy <krona.in> -o <krona.html>

    note: ktImportTaxonomy is now a broken link. Use this file instead:

  10. Run Kraken on Ecoli/E01_1_135x.fastq.gz. What do you find here and how does the error rate influence this finding?