Click the heading of a topic to see the lecture slides or lab instructions. Slides are added as the course progresses.

Monday 25th
Room: Green room, Sölvegatan 35, Biology Building. Lund University

09.00-09.15 Registration and Welcome, presentation of SciLifeLab
09.15-10.00 Lecture: Introduction to Linux (Anders Sjölander)
10.00-12.00 Exercise: Introduction to Linux (Anders Sjölander + Fredrik Levander)
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.00 Lecture: Introduction to UPPMAX (Anders Sjölander)
14.00-17.00 Exercise: Introduction to UPPMAX (Anders Sjölander + Fredrik Levander)

Tuesday 26th
09.00-09.30 Lecture: File types in bioinformatics (Anders Sjölander)
09.30-12.00 Exercise: File types in bioinformatics (Anders Sjölander + Fredrik Levander)
11.00-11.30 Lecture: Improving your terminal experience (Anders Sjölander)
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Lecture: Advanced Linux usage (Anders Sjölander)
14:00-17:00 Exercise: Advanced Linux usage (Anders Sjölander + Fredrik Levander)

18:00- Course dinner, Kulturen Restaurang

Wednesday 27th
09.00-11.00 Lecture: Next Generation Sequencing
11.00-12.00 Lecture: NGS and bioinformatics analysis pipelines
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.00 Lecture: NGS workflow(Nikolay Oskolkov)
14.00-17.00 Exercise: NGS workflow(Nikolay Oskolkov)

Thursday 28th
09:00-12.00 Exercise: NGS workflow
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14:00 Lecture: RNA sequencing, transcriptome and expression quantification
14.00-17:00 Exercise: RNA sequencing, transcriptome and expression quantification

Friday 29th
09:00-11:00 Exercise: RNA sequencing, transcriptome and expression quantification
11.00-12:00 Lecture: Data management
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-13.20 Lecture: The Bioinformatics Infrastructure in Sweden
13:20-15.00 Parallel session 1: Exercise: RNA sequencing, transcriptome and expression quantification, continued
13:20-15.00 Parallel session 2: Open discussions